- Check the HVAC filter located on the side of the HVAC unit. This is the number one reason for airflow problems. If it is dirty, there will be significantly reduced airflow, and you will need to replace it.
- Check the supply air and return air registers. If these are shut or blocked, air can’t get in or out of the rooms they feed. Move large furniture away if it is placed in front of the registers. Open registers if they are closed.
- Check your blower fan for excessive dirt. Running an HVAC unit without a filter can cause the blower fan to get dirty and reduce airflow. Hire an experienced DUCTZ Professional to clean the blower fan if this is the cause.
- Look at your evaporator coil to see if it is dirty or iced up. You may need to cut an access hole into the supply air plenum to see the coil. You can install a patch afterward. Low refrigerant can cause your coil to ice up when you are running your air conditioner. This will block airflow. A licensed DUCTZ Professional will have to check your refrigerant if this is the cause.
- Examine all your ductwork to see if it is crushed or pulling apart. Flexible ductwork is especially vulnerable to damage. Replace any damaged ductwork.